
Custard Coconut Jelly

16 servings
Dr. Oetker Nona Recipe for Custard Coconut Jelly
Recipe Ingredients
How to Prepare
Recipe Tips
If the custard mixture is harden, scratch the surface with a fork, then spoon the coconut milk mixture over the custard agar-agar layer. The scratches will help to hold the two layers of jelly together.

Pastikan larutan agar-agar kastad memejal sedikit sebelum menyudukan larutan agar-agar santan ke atasnya.
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Recipe Ingredients

For Custard Coconut Jelly
1 boxDr. Oetker Nona Agar-agar Original
3 tbspDr. Oetker Nona Custard Flour
200 mlWater
200 mlCoconut Milk
Untuk Jeli Kastad Lemak
1 kotakAdunan Agar-Agar Asli Dr. Oetker Nona
3 sudu besarTepung Kastad Dr. Oetker Nona
200 mlAir
200 mlSantan

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Picture - Dr. Oetker Nona Agar-agar Original
Picture - Dr. Oetker Nona Custard Flour
Picture - Adunan Agar-Agar Asli Dr. Oetker Nona
Picture - Tepung Kastad Dr. Oetker Nona

Mix custard flour with water in a saucepan, mix until no lumps form.

Masukkan tepung kastad dengan air dalam periuk, kacau sebati.


Bring the custard mixture to boil. While stirring gradually pour 45g Dr. Oetker Nona Agar-agar Original into boiling custard mixture. Stir continuosly to avoid lumps form.

Panaskan larutan kastad dalam periuk. Tuangkan 45g Adunan Agar-agar Asli Dr. Oetker Nona ke dalam larutan kastad yang mendidih secara perlahan-lahan sambil mengacau.


Pour custard mixture into jelly mould and set aside.

Padamkan api apabila larutan mendidih. Terus kacau selama 2-3 minit, atau sehingga larutan tidak berbuih. Tuangkan larutan dalam acuan, biarkan memejal pada suhu bilik.


Bring coconut milk to boil.

Panaskan santan dalam periuk. Tuangkan 45g Adunan Agar-agar Asli Dr. Oetker Nona ke dalam santan yang mendidih secara perlahan-lahan sambil mengacau. Biarkan mendidih selama 2-3 minit kemudian padamkan api.


Pour 45g agar-agar mix into boiling coconut milk gradually. Continue stirring and leave to boil for 2 minutes then remove from heat.

Sudukan larutan agar-agar santan ke atas lapisan agar-agar susu secara perlahan-lahan.


Spoon coconut milk agar-agar mixture over the custard agar-agar layer and keep in refrigerator for 1-2 hours or until set before serving.

Simpan dalam peti sejuk 1-2 jam atau sehingga beku sebelum dihidangkan.

  • If the custard mixture is harden, scratch the surface with a fork, then spoon the coconut milk mixture over the custard agar-agar layer. The scratches will help to hold the two layers of jelly together.

    Pastikan larutan agar-agar kastad memejal sedikit sebelum menyudukan larutan agar-agar santan ke atasnya.